Why choose Off-Squito Mosquito Repellent?

Imagine being able to keep the mosquitoes, sandflies, and midges away without the harsh chemical-based repellents?  And better still.....keep these pests at bay with a natural product that actually works!

With Off-Squito Mosquito Repellent you can enjoy life knowing you are using a safe product for you and your family to prevent those nasty bites and diseases

Off-Squito is made of therapeutic, organic, food-grade essential oils. It is environmentally friendly, made with non-irritant ingredients and is safe to apply to unbroken skin.  But best of all it smells great!  The Off-Squito product is full of safe ingredients that work in synergy to achieve results.

Off-Squito Mosquito Repellent is: 

- perfect for pets

- child friendly (over the age of 2) 

- bottled in reusable glass bottles

- and can safely be re-applied as needed throughout the day.

- made in Australia for our climate

Our ingredients are locally sourced and Australian made by our family-owned business based in Queensland.

At Off-Squito, we work hard to provide our customers with the highest quality products.

Organic - Natural - Environmentally and Family Friendly - Australian made

Why would you use anything else?

Wholesale Stockist enquiries welcome

Currently stocked at the following businesses:

- The Big Rig, Roma Q 455

- Great Artesian Spa, Mitchell Q 4465

Welcome to our online store. If you have any questions please feel free to get in contact with us.
Free delivery on all orders over $40.

My sister and I have been using Off-Squito. We both love it.  She has lupus, so it is really good for her skin and it works.

Roma Qld

What a fantastic product!  Thanks for making our camping trip 'bug bitten free'.  Smells great too.

Roma, Qld

How do Mosquitos work?

Mosquitos have been attributed to millions of illnesses and infections to people all over the world. They are the perfect carriers of many diseases, some of them fatal.  The female species are the ones responsible for the irritating bites we suffer from.  

And quite contrary to the belief, mosquitoes do prefer some people over others.  Blood type, sweat smells, heavy breathers, skin bacteria, high body heat, and pregnancy are just some of the factors that determine if your skin is going to be more attractive to a mosquito. 

Currently, we have a number of mosquito repellents that are based on chemicals of which can cause skin irritations, headaches or contain ingredients that consumers can be allergic to.

Off-Squito is different.  It doesn't use chemicals to fend off the mosquitos, sandflies, or midges.  It uses a blend of food-grade essential oils to repel the nasty critters.  Once applied and rubbed in, your body heat provides Off-Squito the perfect environment to release all the natural goodness its ingredients have to keep you and your family safe by keeping the mozzies away!

There's no need to invite the mosquitoes, sandflies or midges to your next event.  Keep them at bay with Off-Squito Mosquito Repellent.